Press Releases

KPS Capital Partners Portfolio Company Anchor Glass Container Corporation Completes Second Successful Recapitalization

May 11, 2016

KPS Capital Partners, LP (“KPS”) announced today that its portfolio company Anchor Glass Container Corporation (“Anchor Glass” or the “Company”) has completed its second successful recapitalization. Funded by a $140 million upsizing of the Company’s term loan and cash on the balance sheet, the proceeds of the recapitalization, were used to fund a $148 million cash distribution to stockholders and to support the Company’s continued growth.

Following the recapitalization, Anchor Glass remains conservatively capitalized with the continued support of KPS to pursue organic and strategic growth initiatives. KPS is a private equity firm with approximately $5.4 billion of assets under management.

KPS acquired Anchor Glass, through a newly formed affiliate, from Ardagh Group S.A. in June 2014.

In July 2015, Anchor Glass completed its first recapitalization, the proceeds of which were used to fund a $150 million cash distribution to stockholders. As a result of the two recapitalizations, Anchor Glass has distributed $298 million of cash to its stockholders since its creation.

Financing for the recapitalization was provided by a syndicate of banks with Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC acting as the Lead Arranger and Lead Bookrunner on the term loan.

Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP served as legal counsel to Anchor Glass with respect to the recapitalization.


About Anchor Glass Container Corporation

Anchor Glass is a leading North American manufacturer of premium glass packaging products. Anchor Glass has long-standing relationships with blue chip companies across the beer, liquor, food, beverage, ready-to-drink and consumer end-markets. The Company employs approximately 2,000 people and operates six manufacturing facilities located in Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Minnesota, New York and Oklahoma, an engineering and spare parts facility in Illinois and a mold manufacturing facility in Ohio. For more information, please visit

About KPS Capital Partners

KPS, through its affiliated management entities, is the manager of the KPS Special Situations Funds, a family of investment funds with approximately $21.8 billion of assets under management (as of June 30, 2024).  For over three decades, the Partners of KPS have worked exclusively to realize significant capital appreciation by making controlling equity investments in manufacturing and industrial companies across a diverse array of industries, including basic materials, branded consumer, healthcare and luxury products, automotive parts, capital equipment and general manufacturing.  KPS creates value for its investors by working constructively with talented management teams to make businesses better, and generates investment returns by structurally improving the strategic position, competitiveness and profitability of its portfolio companies, rather than primarily relying on financial leverage. The KPS Funds’ portfolio companies generate aggregate annual revenues of approximately $19.3 billion, operate 219 manufacturing facilities in 26 countries, and have approximately 47,000 employees, directly and through joint ventures worldwide (as of June 30, 2024). The KPS investment strategy and portfolio companies are described in detail at

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